Set and drive system and schools direction
Take a whole of system view for Catholic Education
Demonstrate a long-term perspective (5-10+years)
Consider wide-ranging issues impacting on education and schools
Address multiple issues with high levels of complexity
- Meet Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead requirements: Category E Accreditation for Senior Leadership
Leaders At All Levels
To ensure the framework can be applied pragmatically, capabilities are described at four different leadership levels based on differing demands at each level. These levels are provided as a guide only. When using the framework individuals and their supervisor may decide which level is most appropriate to the discussion and refer to the behavioural descriptors that highlight what is expected at that level. It is expected that Executive Leaders and Senior Leaders will work towards the Australian Professional Standard for Principals and that Middle and Individual Leaders who are teaching staff are encouraged to work towards the Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
CSO Leadership Team Members, Principals
Coordinators, Support staff level 6 and upwards
- Responsible for own work and that of immediate team/area
- Work within the current planning cycle
- Make discretionary decisions
- Achieve results through engagement and collaboration with team members
- Meet Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead requirements: Category C Accreditation for Leadership
Assistant Principals, System Leaders RECS/Ministry Co-ordinators
- Translate system strategy into clear delivery plans
- Effectively engage with and provide direction and clarity for those they lead
- Work within medium- to long-term time frames (current 3-year planning cycle and beyond
- Enhance and support capacity building of their teams and colleagues
- Meet Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead requirements: Category E Accreditation for Senior Leadership
Teacher Leaders, Support Staff Level to Level 5
Responsible for delivering specific tasks or outcomes
Engage and work collaboratively to contribute to team tasks and activities and positively influence own practice and practice of others
Often work within short to medium time scales (weeks or months)
Meet Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead requirements: Category A Accreditation to Work, Category B Accreditation to Teach, or Category D Accreditation to Teach Religion